December 9, 2023


Member Information for
Silent Auction, Sale, Fashion Show and Potluck

This is a guild event where members and visitors restock their yarn stash, fabric supplies, and tools.  It’s also a time to share and display your handmade wearables at the fashion show.
Special Attractions:
Silent auction of items donated by our members: art, books, equipment.
Yarn/Fabric sale.  All yarn/fabric is $2.00 per pound (bring a bag to hold your purchases)
This is your opportunity to de-stash and re-stash.
The sales and auction are fundraisers for the guild.
The fashion show and  potluck are back by popular demand.
What to bring:
Items you want to donate: donations will be accepted starting at 9:30 am.
Equipment donations must be small enough to fit inside a car and in good working condition.
A bag or bags to hold your purchases
Credit Card, Debit Card, Checkbook or cash!
Bring your favorite potluck dish, along with serving utensils.  Time and space are limited. Consider easy to serve and eat food.
All potluck items must be out of the building by noon.
Location: Saint Mark Presbyterian Church, 10701 Old Georgetown Road, North Bethesda, Maryland 20852
Time: 10am to noon.

The church will require everyone to be vaccinated. Masks are optional.

December Sale Volunteer Sign-Up: We need everyone’s help!

The sale is one of the guild’s largest events.  We need volunteers to run it. Please sign up.
Sign up here for at least one shift for jobs such as set up, yarn sort, book table, cleanup…thank you in advance~

Donate Handmade or Higher Priced Items for the Silent Auction:

As part of the Guild auction and sale we will accept donations of hand-made and high value items for a silent auction.  Examples of such items would be hand-dyed, hand-woven or knitted scarves, hand-made purses, felted pins, small wall hangings, and beaded or knitted jewelry.  High value items might be kimono fabric or vintage buttons.  If you teach, you could offer a space in one of your classes. All unsold items will be returned to the donor.

Please bring your item and the donation form to the auction at 9:30 so we can process it before bids open at 10 am.  Fill out your name, phone number (in case the item doesn’t sell and we need to contact you to return it), a brief description, and the minimum bid (starting price).  You can also set a buy it now price.  The auction will close for bids at 11:30. At that time the highest bidder can bring the item, sheet, and payment to the check-out.  If someone chooses to buy the item at the buy it now price, they can bring the item and sheet to check-out at any time. Please make sure and bring a printed copy of this form with the item you are donating!

Fashion Show:

We are wanting to show off the items we have. Please consider being part of the fashion show.  Let’s display your wearable talent at our special event.  Bring a printed copy of this entry form.