Officers and Board Members

President*Joanne Seyl
Vice President*Cori Leyden-Sussler
Secretary*Janet Lee
Treasurer*Anne Kulak
MembershipRuth Quah
LibrarianBecky Dahlman
Newsletter EditorHope Anderson
OutreachJulie Haifley
Potomac Fiber Arts Gallery Chair, (ex-officio)Mickey Kunkle
*  Elected Officers


Equipment RentalRuth Quah
HandbookJanet Stollnitz
HospitalityAnn Arbaugh
LibrarianBecky Dahlman
MembershipRuth Quah
NewsletterHope Anderson
OutreachJulie Haifley
Programs and WorkshopsCori Leyden-Sussler
Social Media ContentBethany Cecere
Study GroupsAnita Sama
Webmaster/ RegistrarLaritza Rodriguez
Website ContentKelsey Everett
PFAG Studio Committee (Space Command) Liesel Fenner

Representatives to Other Fiber Art Organizations

Artisans United (AU)Gail Robin
Creative Crafts Council (CCC)Dominie Nash
Handweavers Guild of America (HGA)Janet Stollnitz
Mid-Atlantic Fiber Association (MAFA)Karen Miller
Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA)Susan Callahan

Immediate Past President:  Stacy Cantrell
Immediate Past Potomac Fiber Arts Gallery Chair:  Clara Graves
The Guild accepts donations of fiber art books. Contact the guild librarian to make arrangements. For all other fiber-related Fiber Donations page.