Study Groups

One of the benefits of membership in the Potomac Fiber Arts Guild is the opportunity to continue to develop technical knowledge and proficiency by participating in a study group. Guild members who share a common interest not only learn from each other, but also connect with others who enjoy a particular aspect of fiber arts. Each study group is self-directed, and group members determine the course of study. Study groups are an opportunity in collaborative learning where the members capitalize on one another’s knowledge and skills. Since the groups meet in members’ homes and other venues in the area, many of the groups limit the number of participants as the size of the meeting spaces warrant. However, members are encouraged to start a new group. If you are interested in either joining an existing study group if space is available, or creating a new one, please contact the Study Group Coordinator. Detailed information, on meeting days, location, and specific contacts available for guild members only under the members only area menu.
Hidden Accordion
The Basketry Study Group was formed in 2016 for beginners to learn basic woven basketry techniques. In addition to using traditional materials such as flat and oval reed, we have experimented with paper, fabric, and other found materials to make baskets, but most of our current work is with reed. The group is currently focusing on perfecting our skills in traditional basket-making techniques with more advanced basket designs. The group is a mixture of intermediate basket makers and some with more experience.
The Collage Study Group will be working with all types of papers, supplemented with watercolors, colored pencil, and other marking implements. Using glue sticks, gel medium with brayers or old credit cards, we’ll be cutting, ripping and pasting special papers to card stock. Other materials can be used, such as fabric, yarn, photos. We also study the work of collage artists past and present.

The Crochet Study Group is focused to support, teach, challenge and offer fellowship to our group members. This takes into consideration that all of us have different paths with our crochet and therefore can enhance all of our artistic endeavors.
Elements and Principles of Design
Design Group 1

The Design 1 Study Group was formed in 2008, and focused on essential design principles/elements, visited museums, focused individually on different visual artists as inspirations. Once setting individual annual challenges, the group has evolved dramatically, deciding to be less structured.

The Dyeing Study Group members range from intermediate to experienced dyers. The group experiments with various types of dyes and discharging color, on natural fabric and fibers. Our goal is to learn and practice various types of surface design.

The Felting Study Group is composed of advanced felters. We focus on advanced techniques and continuing to improve the quality of the felt we make.
First Thursday
The First Thursday Touring Group has visited interesting, usually fiber-related, places, including museums, a few members’ houses, and a sheep farm.
Interpretive Stitchery

The Interpretive Stitchery Study Group has its focus on hand stitching (e.g., embroidery, needlepoint, needlelace, cross stitch) and machine stitching as a means of artistic expression. Members establish their own challenges and meet periodically to discuss problems and design decisions, and offer critique to one another. Occasionally the group establishes a group challenge.

Knitting Study Group 1 is informal, with no set agenda. It is guild members who like to knit, sharing ideas, being inspired and help explore solutions for knitting tangles. Show and tell provides inspiration for everyone. Once in a while we’ll have a guest give a special workshop.
PM Fiber Arts Group
The PM Fiber Arts Group is a collection of quilters and other fiber artists who meet on the first Thursday evening of the month to share our work—finished and in progress—to celebrate successes and support each other. We discuss techniques, designs, studio practice, and anything else quilt- and fiber-related that members of the group find interesting. Although we are an informal group, we have been known to plan meetings around member trunk shows and demos, guest speakers, challenges and member-suggested themes.

Group G Weavers Study Group are weavers with varying levels of expertise. We pick an annual topic to study, and sometimes do swaps of towels, napkins, or other items. Our biggest benefit is providing a group of like minds to admire each others work and provide help and advice when needed!

The Metro Multishaft Study Group is composed of intermediate and advanced weavers, who have looms with eight or more shafts. We focus on the structures of weaving such as twill, tied weaves, lace and double weave. Our meetings usually involve sharing drafts, often original drafts, made using weaving software. In 2022-23 we are studying tied weaves including Summer and Winter.