Equipment Rental

The following equipment is owned by the Potomac Fiber Arts Guild and may be rented for a small monthly fee plus a security deposit. Contact the Equipment Chairperson for more information. 

Quantity AvailableItemRental FeeMember DepositNon-Member Deposit
18-shaft, 16" Louet Kombo table loom and stand




112-shaft, 15" LeClerc Voyageur table loom




14-shaft, 22" Dorset floor loom




1Warping board




1Beginning Weaver’s Package: 1 shuttle, 2 bobbins, warping board, bobbin winder




1Strauch drum carder




1Hand cards for wool (mfg not available)




1Hand cards for wool (Clemes and Clemes)




1Louet S10 spinning wheel


